Cuckservatism and the Biblical Worldview

In the first installment of this series on political affiliation and the Biblical worldview, we examined the left wing. But it will be useful, at least for practicing Christians, to put the spotlight on all the major political factions and their dogma. The second target is one which has come under much scrutiny lately, and as a result is largely unmasked.

There are a couple issues with the term “cuckservative,” at least as some define it, but I use it occasionally because it is the newest (therefore allegedly the most relevant) word to describe this political persuasion.

Part 2: NeoCons/cucks

In a nutshell, the defining characteristic of the NeoCon/RINO (Republican in Name Only)/cuckservative is that they predictably surrender to the left while feigning resistance–or at least disapproval of whatever they’re capitulating to at the moment.

When you look at what they’re actually pushing, it’s obvious that “liberals” and Democrats are just socialists and communists hiding behind noble-sounding semantic disguises. In like manner, Neocons are generally nothing more than socialists who want low taxes but big military budgets. They reinvented themselves and no longer identify as “liberal” or Democrats because they were turned off by the excesses of the Vietnam anti-war movement, or the Obamanation, Jimmy Carter, Ted Kennedy, etc.

There are three subcategories of NeoCons worth mentioning. While their behavior is fairly uniform across all subcategories, the motivations differ depending on the flavor of cuck:

  1. Cowards–these spineless pantywaists flee from the field with tails between legs whenever serious opposition is encountered.
  2. Judas Goats–wolves in sheep’s clothing, if you prefer. They pretend to be on our side, but will betray us at any and every opportunity. (Caveat: There are sleeper agents, who will appear to stay true to their stated convictions most of the time, only to betray the right at an opportune point during an important struggle. Think of how Obamacare got a pass from the Supreme Court–who was instrumental in that fiasco?)
  3. Milksops so obsessed with unspoken rules of propriety that they’d rather lose than appear to be mean-spirited.

In government, some NeoCons fit in Subcategory #1, but most probably belong to #2 above. Among the electorate, most would fit #1 & 3.

NeoCons have shown their true colors over and over again. Most recently, they took control of both the House and Senate on promises of de-funding Obamacare and stopping amnesty. It’s obvious now they never had any intention of doing so.

There are plenty of NeoCons mixed in with the general population. On social media they often show up in the role of “concern trolls.” While identifying themselves as “conservative” (whatever that means), they attack whoever is putting up a good fight against leftists/SJWs, decrying violations of unwritten etiquette protocols; “tone” that is “problematic;” “judgmentalism” or whatever excuse they can come up with to undermine the arguments of those they supposedly agree with.

Some bloggers have noted that NeoCons (“cucks”) can be easily identified by the fact that they always engage in friendly fire. Never are their figurative guns ever aimed in the direction of the enemy.

It’s not hard to determine what God thinks of treachery, deceit and betrayal. Cowardice is not condemned as often in the Bible, but it did cause an entire generation, except two men, to forfeit their inheritance. And as for the milksops more concerned with propriety than with what is right, Jesus had a many a condemnation for them, all through the gospels.

Some classify Churchians/Churchianity as the religious branch of cuckservatism. In fact, I almost lumped them into this post. But upon honest reflection, churchians come in many political flavors. While churchians are to Christendom what cuckservatives are to the right wing, and there is a lot of overlap, not every churchian can accurately be labeled a NeoCon/cuck. And so, Churchianity will probably get its own post.

Contrast time:

The Christian Worldview

  • God is the Creator of all things, and perfect. He sets the standards of morality.
  • Mankind is fallen, and will use free will to do wrong, hurt others and reject God.
  • The world is currently under the dominion of God’s (and our) Adversary.
  • God the Father sent God the Son to pay the price to redeem the world.
  • God the Son will return to collect what he paid for–the Earth itself and all those who accept His pardon.
  • Women are the weaker sex, created to be men’s helpers.
  • People should be responsible stewards of whatever is under their respective authority.
  • There are times when you must fight. When you do, fight to win. And don’t stop until the enemy is utterly defeated, incapable of further aggression.
  • Shoot straight; do what is right; let your yes be yes and your no be no. What people think of you is not nearly as important as your standing with God.

 The NeoCon Worldview

  • The last issue they surrendered on became the status quo, which therefore determines the standards of morality.
  • Mankind is basically good. Good always triumphs over evil. And left-wingers determine who and what is evil. Those in power always have good intentions, except for  some foreign aberrations like Adolph Hitler and Saddam Hussein.
  • The world is getting better and better, except for a few idiosyncratic developments, occasionally. Keep a positive attitude and everything will turn out sunshine and puppies.
  • Mankind needs to believe in a god, or some sort of higher power, just don’t get all carried away with it and please avoid specifics. Ultimately, popular opinion and status quo are more important, anyway.
  • Belief that we are heading for an economic collapse; martial law/tyranny; or especially “Judgment Day,” the Apocalypse, etc., is too gloom-and-doom–therefore it won’t ever happen.
  • Women are supreme–more honest, moral, strong, heroic, and self-sacrificing than men. They should be given whatever they want, enjoy the benefit of the doubt in every conflict, be lavished with special treatment, and never have to suffer consequences.
  • We should severely restrict the rights and freedoms of law-abiding citizens; but allow gazillions of beligerant parasites to invade our country; consume our resources; help bankrupt our already savaged economy; make a mockery of our elections; and gradually build from biting the hand that feeds them, to armed insurrection, to full-scale, racially motivated civil war. Because compassion.
  • Winning is good as an abstract concept, but only if it can be done without hurting the enemy, or their feelings. Also, there are unwritten rules of propriety and, if you violate one during conflict, you are worse than your enemy.  Ultimately, it is better to lose nobly than to ruffle feathers in the rash pursuit of victory.
  • The truth needs to be watered down and sugar-coated. Call good evil and evil good if popular opinion and the status quo demands it. Virtue signal frequently to win the approval of the left. Back down, surrender, or flee with tail between legs if somebody calls you sexist or racist.

In war, enemy soldiers captured are supposed to be treated humanely, until terms are met for their release. When spies are captured, however, they are put to death. Similarly, what these backstabbing “allies” do is even more contemptible than the behavior of our blatant enemies.

Read The Left Wing and the Biblical Worldview.

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