There Is No Law

…There is only force.

Police stand down to let savage revolutionaries burn, loot, and murder, leading some Americans to wonder why we even pay to have police. Well, here’s why we have police:

The county released an official report yesterday stating that a violent no-knock raid was justified “due to Lemp being ‘anti-government,’ ‘anti-police,’ currently in possession of body armor, and an active member of the Three Percenters.”  The report also noted that “police had viewed several videos showing Lemp handling and shooting firearms.”

…The report details how police attacked the Lemp home from two sides. Two members of the raid team did a “‘break and rake’ on Duncan Lemp’s first-floor bedroom window while the rest of the team entered the house by using a battering ram on the main front door … Another officer used a fireman’s pike tool to break the bedroom window closest to the bed where Lemp and [his pregnant girlfriend Kasey] Robinson were sleeping. The tool also has a hook that is used to grab a hold of and pull away the blinds so that officers would have an unobstructed view inside the bedroom. Once the window was broken and the shades pulled out of the way, one officer ducked below the window line as he was unarmed. A second officer (the shooting officer) who was armed with a rifle, then stepped up to the window and looked inside to locate Lemp as soon as possible and prevent him from having time to access any weapons that could be used against the SWAT officers.” Another team of SWAT cops used a battering ram to smash in the front door of the Lemp home.

…“Let’s go to the videotape”—except that there isn’t any. And there were no other police witnesses to the killing of Duncan Lemp. Police body cams have been one of the most significant reforms in curbing police misconduct in this century. But, as Lemp family lawyer Rene Sandler disclosed, Montgomery County signed a labor agreement with the police union which allowed the SWAT team to “opt out of the truth and transparency by not being required to wear body camera or videotaping a no knock raid.” This is par for the course for police unions across the nation utterly sabotaging police accountability.

Awake yet? You are paying taxes so that this will happen to you, while terrorists, murderers, and thieves are protected.

Police do what they’re paid to do. As we’ve seen for the last  several months, they are paid to let rioting mobs steal, kill, and destroy…and only step in to make arrests when a would-be victim of the mob defends himself.

“But but but…muh thin blue line!”

Wake up.

When a petty tyrant at city or state level instructs “law enforcement” to selectively enforce the law, you don’t have Rule of Law. You have rule by a tyrant, and “muh brave men and women in blue” are complicit.

So many Americans still believe they are safe from the police as long as they don’t do anything wrong. That’s only true if you have Rule of Law, in a republic wherein the state exists to protect the rights of the people. That America is gone. Whether we can ever get it back or not is in serious doubt right now.

This man was killed by police at 0430, in bed, without due process, because he expressed anti-government opinions (protected by the 1st Amendment) and practiced with firearms (protected by the 2nd Amendment). His murderers swore an oath to uphold those rights, and are employed for that very purpose, using the tax dollars paid by us.

Are you getting the message yet? (“Your Constitution can’t protect you from us. Do what we want or we will force you to do what we want.”)

Do you understand “red flag laws” a little better now?

Yes, our public servants took an oath not to do what they are doing. We are besieged by an enemy without honor. If these anti-American zealots are given the power of the Executive branch, then we are gonna have an epidemic of these no-knock raids from sea to shining sea in a Night of the Long Knives that could last for months–though it may not be publicized. If they can take us out piecemeal before we unite and organize, that’s exactly what they’ll do. They’d be foolish not to–and their strategy relies on us being foolish enough to let them.

We are not engaged in 3rd Generation Warfare as I write this, but make no mistake: we are at war. The longer we allow this lawless terror to succeed, the worse the odds will be for us once the shooting starts in earnest. Once all our excuses run out and it’s no longer feasible to pretend we’re not at war, with our lives, liberty, and families at stake…by then the enemy will have pretty much every conventional advantage locked down.

The enemy has admitted to making enemies lists. Based on what we’ve already seen, how do you think they’ll use those lists once  there aren’t any limits to their power? You might not be at the top of the list, but even if all you’ve ever done is posted a picture of an American flag, you’re on it.

Why are we trusting professional liars to keep us informed?

Why are we paying taxes to criminals and traitors??

Why are we obeying laws which only exist on paper or in the imagination of criminals and traitors?

  • Sticking your head in the sand will not save you.
  • Chanting “it can’t happen here” will not save you.
  • Trusting police, or any other public servants to do what is right won’t save you.
  • Arguing with the enemy’s useful idiots won’t save you.
  • And it’s painfully obvious now that voting won’t save you.

These people destroying our republic are not “liberal.” They’re not “biased.” They’re not “well-meaning.” They are evil. They are the enemy. They know exactly what they’re doing and they’re barely even hiding their intentions anymore.

This is not politics; though ideology is certainly fueling it. It’s war, and everything hangs in the balance.

Wake up.