The Question Should Soon Be Answered

We should consider what will happen on Wednesday the 6th of January. I have my educated guesses, hopes, and fears, but no inside scoop.

My hope has been deferred for a long, long time.

Q followers are very optimistic; but others have been betrayed too many times to believe the good guys can prevail in a struggle this huge.

I can’t remember when it was or what crumbs, but Q warned us quite a while back that it was gonna get very, very bleak. He admonished us to keep the faith in spite of what went on. It HAS to get bad, he said, for normal Americans to understand what has happened to our country.

I hope that was a reference to what we’re going through now. If “the plan” we’re supposed to trust involves Biden/Harris being inaugurated on the 20th, I am officially off the reservation.

Evils are sufferable for now, but just barely.

I’ve been Qagnostic since I first learned about the Awakening back in 2017. I haven’t tried to debunk it; nor have I encouraged others to believe it. There are some ostensible Q-followers who push what I consider far-fetched theories; and there are Q-detractors who insult and condemn out of ignorance.

If #GrandTheftElection is allowed to stand, that means Q was either a hoax, or “the plan” failed.

During the time period from January 6-20, 2021, we will be treated to the greatest Q-proof of all; or the entire Q phenomenon will prove just one more instance of Lucy pulling the football away from Charlie Brown.

Either way, it won’t change who I am or what I’m willing to tolerate (or not). It will have a profound effect on just how pissed off I will be–because everything is on the line and this Q-proof will probably be the difference between a limited insurrection and an unlimited civil war–with starvation and genocide added as seasoning to this historic turd-burger.

If you travel to DC for the “wild” Deplorable showdown, be ready. If you stay close to home, be ready.

Have We Just Stormed the Bastille?

Or perhaps this is akin to our Fort Sumter.

After our treasonous public servants denied the American people the last peaceful option to preserve the republic, patriots gathered in Washington, DC broke through police barricades and stormed the Capitol Building. Mike Penis Leech Pence and his fellow traitors in Congress ran like the privileged cowards they are from a sample of the people they betrayed one time too many.

Reports are coming in that shots were fired in the building, and wounded are being hauled out on stretchers. So far, it sounds like Capitol Police have fired on citizens.

Notice the disparity in police reaction? When communist mobs kill, steal, and destroy, police let them run wild and only intervene when someone defends themselves from the mob. Notice these protestors haven’t stolen anything, burned anything, or killed anyone. They are directing their outrage toward the very people who have wronged them–not local business owners or truckdrivers who took a wrong turn. But in THIS instance, police use deadly force.

As if we needed more proof that the rule of law is history, the communists have consolidated power, and the Constitution means absolutely nothing to our renegade public servants.

Our countrymen have put up with way too much. Maybe they’re finally fed up. That some of them have been shot hopefully has made it clear that this is not a game. The message from our enemy is: obey us or die.

Are you getting the message?

We can guess what the Narrative will be from the Swamp Media: “Violent white supremacists stage a coup to illegally make Orange Man dictator!” Well, according to them, he’s already not just a dictator, but literally Hitler. But since when has logic or consistency ever mattered to them?

I’m thinking nobody who matters at this stage gives a shit what names they are called–especially by the lying scumbags of the press, or just about anybody in government. They can call us racists or white supremacists or nazis or whatever. Who cares? Anybody who believes them are useless anyway. We are transitioning from the war of words to something else, and the lines are drawn. If anyone is going to cuck now because of namecalling, they were going to cuck about something sooner or later, anyway. May posterity forget that they were our countrymen.

With Congress adjourned, this might be an ideal moment for the President to take some decisive Executive action. People who have read me before may be shocked that I would be thinking this way. But in reality, there is no law, no justice, and no representation. Against our forlorn hope, there is no longer an option that doesn’t involve some level of violence. The other side has proven they refuse to follow any sort of rules. We’d be fools to play by rules that they won’t. We’d be fools to refuse the fight they have forced on us.

Besides, Trump has legal tools at his disposal to #stopthesteal and start performing chemotherapy on our cancer-wracked country.

Give me liberty or cry havoc.