What Stage of CW2 Are We In?

Since I’m talking exclusively to the based, red pill Patriot crowd, I have a historical quote for you. It came from Winston Churchill. Whatever you think of him, he did speak truth from time to time, and did it like a mac:

“If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly;


you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may be even a worse fate, you may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.”

I had intended to turn this into a meme, with a “you are here” warning with arrow pointing to the appropriate text. But I’m experiencing software issues, and don’t have time now to deal with that right now. If somebody else wants to meme this idea, that would be cool.

Whether we’re at the sentence above, or the sentence below, could be out of our hands at this point. It depends on what (if any) heavy hitters answer the call on our side.

Even if Churchill’s final scenario is where we’re at, I won’t be changing allegiance. This paraphrase of something else he said sums up my outlook:

 We shall defend our republic, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight them online, we shall fight them in person, we shall fight them in the desert, in the forest, in the mountains and on the prairies, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills and the valleys, we shall fight them house to house, bullet for bullet, to the knife, and with our bare hands; we shall never surrender.

For the Lions; Not the Sheep

You may have noticed this is no longer an entertainment blog. Maybe it will return to that one day. I hope so.

Other bloggers who used to contribute here are all busy with other priorities and it’s just me, now. I’ll be glad to take them back if circumstances change enough to make blogging worthwhile for them again. I’m still posting because cyberwarfare has reached a new level of intensity and Virtual Pulp is a platform the enemy does not control and has not yet shut down.

More important than all that: my messages now are for the lions, not the sheep. Convincing normies, fence-sitters, and sheeple of what is going on is no longer a justifiable  allocation of time. Whether you believe our side won or lost that battle, it is now over. At least, my part in it probably is.

Very few non-GloboHomo information outlets are left which haven’t already cucked on the election issue. Even sources I once thought were solid are now spewing idiocy about future “elections” and how Biden will handle Corona blah blah blah.

Not gonna happen here.

Listen up, patriots:

  • President Trump has NOT conceded.
  • Pompeo said there would be a peaceful transition to A 2ND TRUMP TERM.
  • Trump also said that transition would be peaceful, not that the transition would be to the Biden/Harris theftocracy.
  • Harris has retained her Senate seat.
  • With only 11 days left before Creepy Joe and the Ho are supposedly going to be inaugurated, the communists are cooking up another impeachment against Trump AND trying to invoke the 25th Amendment.
  • We are at war. The Commander in Chief, if pursuing victory, does not broadcast his plans, intentions, and strategy in the clear.
  • Until and unless the communist puppets are sworn in, President Trump still wields tremendous power against this country’s foreign and domestic enemies.
  • In the worst-case scenario, we have only God and each other for back-up. But on January 6, it was empirically proven that the people have more power than they’ve ever considered using before; and the traitors are terrified that we just might.

#stopthesteal #bidenlost #takeitback

Wikileaks Dump

Let’s all read and distribute the information while we can.

We need to archive all we can (starting with the most important), because the Thought Police are coming for everybody outside the GloboHomo Establishment.

Not everything Wikileaks dumped is a smoking gun, or even relevant right now. BUt if we win our country back, some of it might prove important to secure justice later; or for posterity.