With Friends Like These…

One positive development from #GrandTheftElection is that the cowards, cucks, RINOS and traitors are showing themselves for who and what they are. It baffles me why anyone had any faith in Cux News or the likes of Mitch McCommie, anyway. Oh wait…because McCommie approved the cuckservative Supreme Court appointments who ALSO sold us out.

Turncoats are a dime a dozen in the GOP. The Democrat Party is 100% evil, and 85% of the GOP are just Democrats in Republican drag. Pat Toomey (R-PA) is a typical example of this ilk.

A good fisking on this site is long overdue, so here goes:

“A fundamental, defining feature of a democratic republic is the right of the people to elect their own leaders.”

This statement is true. But our right to elect our own leaders has been trampled, shit on, and burned with the assistance of individuals like Toomey.

“The effort by Sens. Hawley, Cruz, and others to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election in swing states like Pennsylvania directly undermines this right.”

Lying through his Twitter teeth. The results of the 2020 election have already been overturned by massive, blatant in-your-face fraud. Toomey and his ilk want to prevent the results from being restored/preserved.

“The senators justify their intent by observing that there have been many allegations of fraud. But allegations of fraud by a losing campaign cannot justify overturning an election.”

There have also been many allegations that there might possibly be some water in the Pacific Ocean. The Losing campaign was Biden/Harris. And Toomey knows damn well that the allegations are corroborated by mountains of evidence in all the states in dispute–plus many more.

“They fail to acknowledge that these allegations have been adjudicated in courtrooms across America and were found to be unsupported by evidence.”

This bald-faced liar has no shame. THE COURTS HAVE REFUSED TO HEAR THE EVIDENCE, and haven’t adjudicated jack shit. Let me translate this for you: “Election officials, federal law enforcement, the courts, and everyone else paid to be a balance or check against this kind of criminal abuse have refused to do their job. And so do I.”

“President Trump’s own Attorney General, Bill Barr, stated ‘we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election.’”

“Bill Barr is lying Swamp scum trying to cover this up, just like me. And that proves Biden won!” There–fixed that one for ya, too.

“I acknowledge that this past election, like all elections, had irregularities. But the evidence is overwhelming that Joe Biden won this election.”

The overwhelming evidence is the exact opposite, and anybody who has looked at it knows this. The strategy he has jumped onboard with is: repeat a lie often enough, and it becomes the truth. The Swamp Media lives, eats and breathes this Leninist doctrine; and so do professional politicians like Toomey.

“His narrow victory in Pennsylvania is easily explained by the decline in suburban support for President Trump and the president’s slightly smaller victory margins in most rural counties.”

The smaller victory margins for Trump occurred because every single county was rigged–including the rural ones. Toomey is pointing to other examples of fraud to try convincing you that means there was no fraud.

If there are to be widespread hangings during the coming Storm, they should be bipartisan.

#stopthesteal #Bidenlost